The ONLY reason to buy lab-grown diamonds [And it might not be the reason you think]

As we come to the end of 2023, we can truly say that it has been the year of the lab-grown diamond. Enquiries in South Africa have rocketed, supplies are plentiful, and the wall of buyer resistance is being torn down. Whilst there is still much confusion surrounding lab-grown diamonds, we’re finding that more and [...]

The ONLY reason to buy lab-grown diamonds [And it might not be the reason you think]2023-12-04T10:55:43+02:00

What are ethical diamonds?

"Ethical diamonds" is a phrase that is on many people's lips right now. We live in a world where sustainability and ethics are becoming increasingly important to consumers, and rightfully so. For far too long, large corporations have pulled the wool over consumers' eyes regarding product origins, manufacturing practices and environmental impacts. Natural diamonds have [...]

What are ethical diamonds?2023-12-04T10:55:44+02:00

South African diamonds: 8 things you didn’t know

South African diamonds are well known the world over and for many people, diamonds are what come to mind when you think about South Africa. Much of this has to do with the legacy of De Beers, perhaps the world’s most famous diamond mining company and who, of course, have their history firmly rooted in [...]

South African diamonds: 8 things you didn’t know2023-12-04T10:55:45+02:00

All you need to know about Toi et Moi rings

Like many jewellery trends, the Toi et Moi ring trend (which has now hit South Africa) is a new take on an old-style, made famous again by some in-the-spotlight celebrities. Back in 2018, Emily Ratajkowski set Instagram ablaze when she posted a photo of her Toi et Moi engagement ring, presented to her by long-time [...]

All you need to know about Toi et Moi rings2023-12-04T10:55:53+02:00

Buying a diamond? Why you can’t only trust the 4C’s.

If you’re interested in buying a diamond in South Africa, there are a few things you need to be aware of and know about. Buying a diamond can be an incredibly complicated process and sometimes, diamond dealers and jewellery stores will bombard you with industry terms that are designed to confuse you. If a diamond [...]

Buying a diamond? Why you can’t only trust the 4C’s.2023-12-04T10:55:56+02:00

Want to buy an engagement ring? Avoid these 7 big mistakes.

If you want to buy an engagement ring, you'll find that it can be an intimidating, confusing and costly business. Walk through any shopping mall in South Africa and you’ll see jewellery stores with sparkling, glamorous window displays, enticing you in with posters such as: “Now 35% Off!” “Wholesale diamonds straight to the public!” “Engagement [...]

Want to buy an engagement ring? Avoid these 7 big mistakes.2023-12-04T10:56:00+02:00

New Salt & Pepper diamonds in stock [South Africa]

Salt and pepper diamonds have thrived in South Africa in 2020, and Katannuta Diamonds has some brand-new stock to help satisfy your salt and pepper craving! It’s fair to say that 2020 was a tough year economically, and as jobs have been lost and currencies have crashed, many South African shoppers have turned towards economically [...]

New Salt & Pepper diamonds in stock [South Africa]2023-12-04T10:56:09+02:00

The anatomy of a diamond

Most people know that diamonds come in many different shapes. Whilst the round brilliant cut is the most common and most popular cut, other shapes are known as “fancy cuts” and include shapes like ovals, cushions, princess cuts and pear cuts. But despite their differing shapes, they all have a number of common physical characteristics, [...]

The anatomy of a diamond2020-09-22T17:31:02+02:00

Flash sale! South Africa diamond rings now on special

For the first time in 14 years, we're having a diamond ring sale in South Africa! Since 2006, we’ve specialised in bespoke diamond engagement rings where our clients play an integral role in the design and creation of their dream rings. Each ring is tailored to a client’s unique requirements, from selection of the loose [...]

Flash sale! South Africa diamond rings now on special2020-09-14T19:38:24+02:00

Captivated by Colour, Part III: Blue diamonds

Welcome to the third chapter of Captivated by Colour and this time, blue diamonds are in the spotlight. Considered one of the rarest colours, blue diamonds have an enigma and appeal that very few other colours hold. It’s still April, so diamonds are still the birthstone for the rest of the month. It’s only a [...]

Captivated by Colour, Part III: Blue diamonds2020-09-14T19:38:25+02:00
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