Where do teal sapphires come from?

Teal sapphires, peacock sapphires, mermaid sapphires, parti sapphires. There are many names given to these beautiful sapphires that show varying combinations of blue, green and yellow colours and they have been mined in many countries around the world. As is the case with many aspects of the jewellery and gemstone industry, there are many misunderstandings [...]

Where do teal sapphires come from?2023-12-04T10:55:50+02:00

Captivated by Colour, Part II: Pink diamonds

Welcome to our second installment of Captivated by Colour and this time, we’re looking at pink diamonds. Pink diamonds are one of the rarest colours of diamonds and one of the most prized and valued. Many people will ask about coloured diamonds, but very few people know how rare they are, or how expensive they [...]

Captivated by Colour, Part II: Pink diamonds2020-09-14T19:38:25+02:00

10 Reasons to Rock a Ruby [July’s Birthstone]

10 Reasons to Rock a Ruby [July's Birthstone] Ruby is the quintessential red gemstone and, as July’s birthstone, we thought we’d share 10 great reasons for you to rock a ruby this season: 1. In ancient Sanskrit, rubies are called “Ratnaraj”, which means “The King of Gems”. 2. Rubies are the second hardest gemstone after [...]

10 Reasons to Rock a Ruby [July’s Birthstone]2020-09-14T19:38:33+02:00

April’s birthstone: 15 fun facts about diamonds

If you’re celebrating your birthday this April, count yourself lucky – your birthstone is diamond, perhaps the most well-known and popular of all gemstones. With a history that dates back thousands of years, diamonds are unique in many ways. To celebrate diamonds as April’s birthstone, we’re bringing you 15 fascinating diamond facts that you probably [...]

April’s birthstone: 15 fun facts about diamonds2020-09-14T19:38:35+02:00

Aquamarine is March’s Birthstone

Aquamarine is a timeless gemstone, and with its palette of blue hues, the colour of water and sky, is believed to embody eternal life. As the birthstone for March, it symbolises youth, hope, health and fidelity, and aquamarine’s soothing influence on married couples has made it a popular anniversary gift. Often, aquamarine is light in [...]

Aquamarine is March’s Birthstone2020-09-14T19:38:35+02:00

Amethyst, the regal birthstone for February

With Valentine’s Day falling in the middle of this month, February is traditionally celebrated as the month of love. And, with rich, velvety purple hues, amethyst is the perfect birthstone for February. Purple is considered the most regal of colours and so, over time, amethyst has appeared frequently in royal and religious jewellery. Indeed, the [...]

Amethyst, the regal birthstone for February2020-09-14T19:38:39+02:00

Garnet is January’s birthstone

“Garnets are such a boring birthstone”, lamented my January-born cousin, Amy, recently. Thinking I knew what she had in mind, I asked “What colour is garnet?”. “Dirty red-brown”, replied Amy, saying exactly what I’d expected her to say. Like most people, Amy had no idea that garnet was available in a wide range of colours, [...]

Garnet is January’s birthstone2020-09-14T19:38:40+02:00

10 things you didn’t know about September’s birthstone, Sapphire

September is officially considered the start of spring in South Africa. Birds are singing, flowers are blooming and love is certainly in the air as peak engagement and wedding season starts. September's birthstone, sapphire, is a well known gem, but here are 10 things you might not know about this gorgeous gemstone: What is sapphire? [...]

10 things you didn’t know about September’s birthstone, Sapphire2020-09-14T19:38:42+02:00

Ruby, a most royal July birthstone

Love, success, passion and energy – all are positive qualities associated with the colour red and the gemstone ruby, the most royal of all gems and July's birthstone. Ruby is the most prized gem of them all; after all, in ancient Sanskrit, ruby translated to “Ratnaraj”, which meant “king of precious stones" and, in addition [...]

Ruby, a most royal July birthstone2020-09-14T19:38:45+02:00
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