Around the world, natural diamond rings from South Africa are known for their value for money, exceptional quality and responsible production. Since the first diamond was discovered in South Africa in 1867, our country has been the source of some of the best diamonds the world has ever seen. No wonder South Africa is synonymous with diamonds and diamond jewellery. Buying a diamond ring from South Africa can have definite advantages and many international visitors to our shores will purchase a piece of diamond jewellery to take home with them.
If you’re in the market for natural diamond rings from South Africa, here are 4 advantages to purchasing a bespoke ring from Katannuta Diamonds:
South Africa is a leading producer of ethical platinum and gold.
For most of the 20th century, South Africa was the world’s leading supplier of gold and, whilst China is currently the world’s largest producer, South Africa is still home to the largest gold resource in the world. In 2023, South Africa produced an estimated 110 metric tons of gold. The Witwatersrand contains 40% of the world’s known gold reserves and over half the gold ever mined has come from here.
South Africa is also home to the world’s largest platinum deposit, with an estimated reserve of 63 metric tons. The Bushveld Igneous Complex stretches across four provinces and is responsible for over half of the world’s current platinum-group metal production. South African gold and platinum mines prioritise environmental sustainability, implementing measures to minimise their carbon footprint and protect the surrounding ecosystems. Many mines engage in reforestation efforts, water conservation, and wildlife protection to ensure their operations are environmentally responsible.
Thus, when you commission a piece of jewellery from Katannuta Diamonds, you can be sure your precious metal is locally sourced and ethically mined.
South African-mined diamonds are conflict-free.
In 2023, according to the Kimberley Process, South Africa produced 5.89 million carats of diamonds, worth nearly $800million. The Kimberley Process Certification Scheme, established in 2003, is a commitment to remove “conflict diamonds” (often colloquially called “blood diamonds” by the media) from the global diamond supply chain. Even during the height of the conflict diamond peak in the mid 1990’s, the South African diamond supply chain was always conflict-free. By working with diamond partners who source, cut and polish significant quantities of diamonds locally, you can be assured that there need never be a concern about the ethics of any diamonds you purchase from Katannuta Diamonds.
Jewellery manufacturing costs in South Africa are lower than in many other countries.
As one of the world’s leading commodities, gold will have the same market price anywhere, at any given time. The gold price is reported in USD/ounce across global markets, and whether you’re purchasing gold in Johannesburg, London, Hong Kong or New York, this dollar-per-ounce price will be the same. The gold price fluctuates constantly, and the buying and selling of gold will always reflect these changing conditions.
However, what does vary from one country to another is labour and manufacturing costs. The cost of living in South Africa is significantly less than that of Australia, New Zealand or countries in Europe and North America. Consequently, wages are lower because the purchasing power parity adjusts to the local cost of living. This doesn’t mean our talented goldsmiths and team are underpaid; they earn market-related salaries proportional to both their skills and the cost of living in South Africa.
As a result, this translates to a significant saving for you, should you wish to have a bespoke diamond ring made by our team here in Johannesburg, South Africa.
Support for the local economy and local communities
You might have seen a meme or two online about what happens when you support small and independent businesses – and examples like these ring true for us. Our founder Clare Appleyard personally deals with every order placed and oversees all parts of the Katannuta Diamonds process. When we make a South African diamond ring (or any other gemstone) for you, you’re helping at least 12 individuals support themselves and their families. By buying local, your piece of South African jewellery is directly contributing to the South African economy, helping us promote sustainable development in the manufacturing industry whilst supporting local artisans. South African mining companies (gold, platinum and diamond) all support local communities through social development programs, providing education, healthcare, and economic opportunities to improve the quality of life for residents in mining regions.
We’re sure you agree that buying a natural diamond ring from South Africa makes perfect sense, doesn’t it? Contact us today to chat with Clare about your exact natural diamond ring requirements.